Four Ways to Get Your Kids Reading the Bible
Through the Bible, God literally speaks to us. We get to teach the children entrusted to us about God and His Word every weekend – but we really want to set them up for a lifetime of reading it for themselves. Here are four ways to get them reading the Bible.
1. Recommend a Good Children’s Bible
There are so many incredible Children’s Bibles available. Here are a few of our favorites: 5 Bibles We Love For Kids
If you have the budget, consider giving Bibles to the children in your ministry. But that can get pricey, so alternatively consider giving a printout or sending an email to all your parents with your top recommendations on a good Bible for their children.
2. Head, Heart, and Hands
The Bible engages all of us. God wants our intellect. He wants our affections and attitudes and motivations. He wants our behavior and obedience. So, teach your children to read the Bible holistically by asking three simple questions. Based on this story or passage…
What does God want me to know about Him? (Head)
What kind of person does God want me to be? (Heart)
What does God want me to do? (Hands)
3. Provide a Simple Plan
Give your families a simple plan to follow. You don’t need to give them a daily reading program. But look at what you’re teaching the coming weekend. Give them the main passage and any supporting texts. Break it down into a couple days’ worth of reading and encourage them to go through it as a family. This would take you five – maybe ten – minutes to put together and include in a weekly email to your parents but it would serve them so well.
4. Encourage Them to Ask Questions
Encourage your kids to ask or write down any questions they have about what they read. If you can answer them, do it! But if you can’t, agree to look for the answers together. Ask knowledgeable people – your pastor or children’s director, for example, or other leaders in your church. Teach your children that there are no “off-limits” questions. There may not always be ready answers, but teach your children to always seek the truth – and when they don’t know the answer to rest in the mystery of who God is.