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5 Stars (What We're Loving This Month - February)

We're always on the lookout for awesome resources - and we bet you are, too! So, here are five that we are loving right now!

A Book We're Reading: Finish

Did you know that only 8% of people keep their New Year’s resolutions? That means 92% of us (including yours truly) struggle to finish what we set out to do.

Enter Finish. Jon Acuff is clear, practical, and absolutely hysterical. Here are our top two takeaways.

The Day After Perfect.

The day after we fail to “perfectly” keep our resolutions or stick to our schedule or, well, whatever, is the day we throw in the towel. We figure that if we can’t be perfect then we shouldn’t bother doing it at all. But perfection is the sworn enemy of productivity (and, from a children’s ministry standpoint, of impact).

Choose What to Bomb.

We can’t do everything. I know, I know. That’s obvious. But we often try to do everything – and we try to do it perfectly (see above). But here’s the thing. Whether you’re pursuing a huge project or just in the middle of an unavoidably busy season (for example, Easter or Christmas), you have to decide what you’re willing to “bomb” – at least for a little while. That or embrace yourself for the inevitable burnout.

A Podcast We're Devouring: The Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast

This is, hands down, one of the best leadership resources available for church leaders (children’ ministry or otherwise). This interview-style podcast is packed with incredible insight and wisdom from the greatest leaders and thinkers of our day.

There are hundreds of episodes available, so start at the beginning and work your way through, choose from topics that interest you, or just listen to the most recent episode and pick it up from there!

A Tool We're Loving: CleanMyMac and CleanMyPC by MacPaw

I use a lot of space and run a lot of programs on my computer – I bet you do, too. So, a couple of times a week, it begins to slow down (which is maddening when you’re in the middle of a project or on a deadline).

That’s where the good people at MacPaw come in. They offer a program (available for both Mac and PC) that will clean up your hard drives and make your computer run faster. It can even scan for viruses and removes any online traces trying to collect your information.

A Song We Have on Repeat: Good God Almighty

This is a windows down, volume up, sing at the top of your lungs song. David Crowder just keeps amazing us with his lyrics, sound, and passion for Jesus. You can listen here.

A Quote We're Pondering: Hudson Taylor

"God’s work done in God’s way will never lack God’s supplies."

There you go! Five things we are loving this month.

What are you loving? Leave a comment and let us know!



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