We're always on the lookout for awesome resources - and we bet you are, too! So, here are five that we are loving right now!
A Book We're Reading: The Chronicles of Narnia
Do you know what I’ve noticed? I spend a lot more time reading about doing children’s ministry than I do remembering what it’s like to be a child. I find myself trying to recapture the imagination and creativity that came so easily when I was younger.
So, this month, we’re rereading an absolute classic – The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis. If you’ve never read them before, you are missing out! If you have, then go back and enjoy the magic all over again.
A Podcast We're Devouring: The Bible Project
Tim Mackie and the crew over at the Bible Project are incredible. This is hands down the most fascinating Bible podcast out there. They are self-proclaimed Bible nerds and tackle the Bible from a linguistic and cultural context perspective.
Now, before you write it off because that sounds dry, DON’T. It’s not. They are accessible, practical, and super entertaining. You’ll read the Bible with whole new eyes after listening to this podcast.
A Tool We're Loving: Toggl
Have you ever gotten to the end of a day and wonder what on earth you actually got done? Same.
Enter Toggl. Toggl is a time tracking app that helps you monitor how you’re spending your time. I was required to use it for a previous job and loved it so much that I still use it personally. It helped eliminate redundancy, identify ways I could delegate, and revealed where I was (honestly) wasting time. You can learn more about it here.
A Song We Have on Repeat: Battle Belongs
I’ve had this song on repeat ever since I saw Phil Wickham in a livestream concert back in January. It’s so good – and it’s the posture I want to hold every single day. (You can listen here.)
A Quote We're Pondering: Corrie ten Boom
"Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows; it empties today of its strength."
There you go! Five things we are loving this month.
What are you loving? Leave a comment and let us know!