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Creating a safe place for kids in an unsafe world


If I were to ask you what your number one job as a children's minister is, the first thing you might think of is sharing the good news of Jesus with kids. 


And although that answer isn't exactly wrong, it's not exactly right either!


Helping children love and follow Jesus is our ultimate goal, but we can't do that if we don't keep them safe. If there were only one thing you could do on a Sunday morning, it should be returning kids to their parents unharmed (both physically and emotionally). In short, safety should be at the top of your job description!


It's fitting that the place where congregations meet is traditionally referred to as a "sanctuary." A sanctuary by definition is a place of refuge and safety. That's what we should be creating for our children--a sanctuary!


It can be challenging, though, to create a safe place for kids in an increasingly unsafe world. With that in mind, here are some steps you can take to make your children's ministry a true sanctuary:

1. Empower your volunteers:

  • It's our consistent team members who must be trained to respond to any emergency. From medical incidents to safety threats, our staff and volunteers need to be ready.

  • Empress upon them that if they see something, say something. Many eyes make good security. If they see a lapse in security or if they witness someone acting strangely or inappropriately, they should be encouraged to tell you. 

2. Conduct scenario-based training:

  • Instead of traditional drills (like a school might do), we can engage in scenario discussions. For example, what should we do if there's an active shooter anywhere in the building. Or what should we do if the tornado sirens go off. These can be part of regular training without causing alarm.

  • During off-hours, take it to the next level by simulating the response to various emergencies with your staff team.

3. Create clear communication channels:

  • Develop a robust emergency communication plan. Who alerts the congregation? How do we communicate with parents? Ensure everyone knows the plan like they know the hymns.

  • Consider implementing either a mobile-phone based communication system or walkie-talkies. Mobile phones allow for discreet, reliable communication with features like group messaging, location sharing, and instant alerts, while walkie-talkies can be more cost-effective and don't rely on cellular service for immediate, direct communication.

4. Improve your security infrastructure:

  • Install visible security measures like surveillance cameras and access control systems. They serve as both a deterrent and a means to manage any incidents effectively.

  • Partner with local law enforcement for insights into best practices. They can offer training that's tailored to your church's layout and congregation size.

  • Don't hesitate to consult with private security experts. Their advice can help you design a comprehensive security strategy that fits your ministry's needs.

  • Make ID badges a part of the dress code for staff and volunteers. It's a simple yet effective method to verify who should be where.

  • Review your check-in and check-out process to ensure children are only released to authorized adults. Technology can streamline this process.


Let's act with urgency and diligence to make our children's ministry a place where the only concern is learning about God's love. Every step we take towards safety is a step towards sanctity.


Timmy Bow Ties needs your help!!!

David's teleportation device has gone haywire and zapped Timmy into your church. Sounds great, right? Yeah, except Mr. Bigsby (our corporate boss) says if we don't get Timmy back, the Journey Today Show is cancelled! 


During JTS Live, Timmy Bow Ties (live and in-person) along with David and the rest of the JTS gang (via video) will lead the audience through hilarious games and challenges in an attempt to send Timmy back.


It's a 90-minute, gospel-centered experience your kids and families will never forget!



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