I love healthy debate! Especially when it's about how to most effectively reach kids with the gospel of Jesus.
With that in mind, I present to you "This or That!"
It's a new blog series where I debate with myself on both sides of a hot-button topic in children's ministry. (The great thing about debating yourself is that one way or another, you're always right 😁.)
My hope is that regardless of where you land on a topic, you'll be able to better understand and communicate why you think what you do.
And who knows...maybe one of me will even change your mind!
Why you should use "reward stores" in your ministry
I think it's fair to say we would all LOVE for the kids in our ministries to memorize more Bible verses. So what's wrong with using fun incentives like a reward store to help them do that? Here's what...
Do we ask farmers what their motivation is or what methods they use to plant seeds in the soil? No! (Not if your normal!) What matters is that they did and the seeds are growing. If using a reward system helps you plant the Word of God in the hearts of kids and it's yielding results, that's all that matters!
In short reward stores are an effective way to help kids memorize Bible verses. Here are 4 reasons why...
Encourages Engagement: Rewards can spark a child's interest and make learning more exciting. When kids know they'll receive a reward, they are often more eager to participate and put in the effort to memorize Bible verses.
Positive Reinforcement: Rewards provide positive reinforcement, which can help children associate learning the Bible with positive experiences. This can create a lasting impression and make them more likely to continue memorizing verses on their own.
Builds Confidence: Achieving a goal and receiving a reward boosts a child’s confidence. It shows them that they are capable of learning and achieving, which can encourage them to take on more challenges.
Creates a Fun Learning Environment: Adding rewards makes the learning process fun and enjoyable. When children have fun, they are more likely to retain what they’ve learned and develop a positive attitude towards studying the Bible.
Do you want to know how I became a Christian?
When I was in high school, a cute girl invited me to her youth group. I said "yes," because...duh...she was cute! My motivation for going wasn't super spiritual, but after a few weeks, my interest in her faded while my love for God grew. Within a month, I had decided to follow Jesus.
Is getting a small toy or trinket a super spiritual reason for memorizing a Bible verse? No, but the seed gets planted nonetheless. And if we do our job watering it, that seed will grow as well as any other.
Anyone who says otherwise is just plain WRONG!
Why you should NOT use "reward stores" in your ministry.
Don't listen to that guy! I have it on good authority that he was dropped on his head as a baby 😁.
First of all, you SHOULD care how a farmer plants their seeds. Have they been treated with harmful pesticides? Has improper irrigation and monocropping stripped the nutrients out of them? The crop might look healthy on the outside, but what about inside?
While rewarding children for memorizing Bible verses might help you achieve the appearance that kids are learning and growing in God's Word, that's likely not the case. Here are 4 reasons why...
Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Motivation: Rewards can shift a child’s focus from the intrinsic value of learning the Bible to the extrinsic rewards they receive. This may lead to a situation where children memorize verses just for the prizes, rather than understanding and internalizing the spiritual lessons.
Short-Term Motivation: Material rewards can provide short-term motivation, but they may not lead to long-term engagement. Once the rewards stop, kids can lose interest in memorizing Bible verses, suggesting that their motivation was tied more to the rewards than to the learning itself.
Creates Competition: Reward systems can sometimes foster unhealthy competition among kids. Those who struggle with memorization might feel discouraged or left out if they consistently see others receiving rewards. That in turn can have long term negative impacts on a child's love for scripture.
Misses the Point: The primary goal of memorizing Bible verses is to understand and live by God’s Word. Material rewards can distract from this purpose, making the activity more about earning prizes than about spiritual growth.
Oddly enough, I too was invited to a youth group by a cute girl. (I know...what are the chances?!?) And although I ultimately became a Christian through that invitation, I wouldn't build an entire evangelistic strategy around that.
It's the same with Bible memorization!
Is it possible that a kid could memorize verses for the wrong reason, then fall in love with God's Word and grow from it? Of course! But I wouldn't build a Bible engagement strategy around that!
Here's a better idea--before you plant the seed, till the soil. In other words, teach kids about the value of memorizing scripture and pray that God's Spirit will make them hungry for His Word. When it comes to spiritual development, motivation matters!
So who do you think is right...me or me? 😂 Go to our Facebook page, then let us know in the comments.
And if you haven't done so already, join me for a GO! Curriculum demo and find out how GO! lessons bring fun and Biblical depth together.