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Top 10 Rejected KidMin Games


Are you ready for a good laugh?


Games are in important part of children's ministry, but some are better than others! In fact, some are downright terrible! Here's my list of the 10 WORST games you can play in your KidMin: 


10. Capture the Plague

9. Hide and Sleep

8. Javelin Catch

7. Youth Pastor Pinata

6. Traffic Tag

5. Hot Potato Gun

4. Guess What's in this Diaper

3. Will it Burn?

2. Dodge Bible

1. Pin the Tail on the Pastor


Obviously, I just made those up! 😂


But did you know there's a list with a 100+ real KidMin games you'll LOVE! It's on the "Games Finder" page of our all new CHILDREN'S MINISTRY HUB.


The Games Finder page is designed to help you quickly find engaging, age-appropriate games to play with your kids. It features a searchable database of games categorized by type of game, group size, activity level, and supply amount. It also includes video instructions and a list of materials needed for each game.

Here are 5 of my favorite games on the Games Hub:

#1: Electricity


Game Type: Large Group


Description: Two teams race to grab the prize, but they can’t move until the electrical current has reached the last player. Grab the prize first and you win. Grab the prize too soon and you lose!


#2: Jump Jaguar Jump


Game Type: Field/Gym Game


Description: Be the team that collects the most cups. If you’re hit by the rope, you must drop the cup. When all the cups are gone, the round is over.


#3: Toilet Paper Tear


Game Type: 1 vs 1


Description: Players race to pull a cup of water sitting on the end of a roll of toilet paper towards them. The first player to bring the cup towards them wins!


#4: Dizzy Box


Game Type: Small Group


Description: Put a box on your head and spin around. When the leader is finished counting down, everyone must stop and get in their box. The last one in their box is out!


#5: Backwards Thinking


Game Type: Gym Game, Large Group Game, Small Group Game


Description: Have players line up in the center of the gym or classroom, then shout a command. The players must do the opposite of what you say. Do the wrong thing and you’re out!



The Children's Ministry Hub has way more than just games. The HUB is also a great place to find KidMin...

  • Conferences

  • Documents

  • Community

  • and (coming soon) Curriculum

Check it out for yourself!



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