Are you ready for a good laugh?
VBS has been a cornerstone of children’s ministry for generations, but some themes are better than others! In fact, some are downright terrible! Here's my list of the 10 WORST VBS themes you can do:
10. IRS Camp: An auditing adventure through the Book of Numbers
9. Camp COVID: Developing an infectious faith
8. The Golden Calf County Fair: 5 Days of Bad Choices
7. Journey to the Sun: Turn or Burn
6. Naked and Afraid: the Adam and Eve Adventure
5. Operation Rescue Jesus
4. Paul and Silas' Bogus Journey: Mission to Chick-fil-a
3. The Emperor Strikes Back: Nero's Revenge
2. Glitter, Glitter Everywhere!
1. Mission Impossible: Weekends at Costco
Obviously, I just made those up!
But here's another list for you—3 of the BEST VBS themes you could do!
#1: NORB-E

His name is Non Organic Robot Buddy - Explorer Class. But you can call him NORB-E. He’s a space exploration assistant tasked with helping us on our mission to seek the glory of God in the furthest reaches of the universe.

You’d better buckle up, though, there’s turbulence ahead! Captain Crank is the crankiest kitty in all of outer space and he won’t stop until our plans are puuurfectly foiled. Don’t worry, though! With the help of NORB-E, we’ll outwit that cranky kitty and discover that the glory of God is out of this world!
Watch the video below or click the button to learn more about NORB-E VBS.

Hold onto your mullet, we're taking a totally tubular trip through the early church. During BOLT: Totally 80's, kids will hear stories from the Book of Acts and learn how God's Spirit worked in and through the early believers. Moreover, they'll discover they too have been empowered to take the good news of Jesus to the ends of the Earth.

But why let kids have all the fun? Cap off your week of VBS with this optional "Totally 80's Family Rerun." This separate purchase gives you everything you need to throw an epic end-of-the-week 80's party where parents celebrate with their kids and recount what they learned through music, fun, and games.
#3: BOLT

Originally developed for the COVID shutdown, BOLT is a 3-day video driven VBS that can easily be hosted at church, at home, or in the mission field. ​The team at GO! Curriculum has thought through every aspect of the VBS experience and made it so user friendly that any family or church can easily host it. With minimal preparation, easy to follow instructions, and a video that leads kids step-by-step through each day, BOLT is the perfect turn-key VBS solution for churches.